A downloadable game for Windows

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Game Jam Winner “Charlie” is a story about loss and dealing with grief. 

As Natasha plays her favorite song one last time, she is visited by the spirit of Charlie, her beloved dog who has passed away. They share a profound conversation, revealing the deep bond they share, always connecting through the music of her piano. Natasha fears that losing her piano will mean losing Charlie forever. But Charlie, aware that this might be their final encounter, has a plan. What will Charlie do to help Natasha move on? And how will Natasha find the strength to let go? Discover the emotional journey of love, loss, and resilience in this heartwarming tale.

This game features the following themes from the game jam:

• Landing on things

• Survivor

• Everything's breakable



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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Charlie_64.zip 48 MB
Charlie_32.zip 44 MB
Presentation.pdf 16 MB

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